10 Things I’m Thankful for this Year

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody. I’m sure the weather has been messing with everyone’s plans, but I hope you all had safe travels and good fun during this holiday season. I encourage you to write to me below and add on to my list 10 things I’m thankful for this year, and share what you are thankful for!


I’m thankful for..

1. My friends, for the laughs and the silliness

Happiness is what makes the world go ’round. When you’re feeling down, just smile. Life is ours to enjoy to the extent we want to enjoy it. I’m so thankful that I have friends who give me more of a reason to smile.


2. The random acts of kindness from strangers

One friendly, “hello” from a stranger can make my day turn from bad to good. We’re all human and we all have our ups and downs. I’m so grateful to the kind people I’ve encountered who have given me hope for the world.

3. Furry animals

Thank you if you have ever stopped your walk to let me pet your pets! Yes, I’m THAT person.


4. All of the love that I never expected

When I get the chance to stop and think about those who love me, I am in awe of how many of you have given me your heart and soul. It’s not something you can explain and it’s not something you can measure, but you know it’s there to guide you through the decisions you make in life. Thank you. I love you all.

5. My health

Those of you who know me know that I have struggles with my health for the last decade or so. I’m happy to report that I am 100 percent! I’m also grateful for the health of those around me. For those who are struggling with their health, don’t give up. You can do it.

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6. Philly

To a city I have grown to love very much, I’m thankful for Philly being Philly. It’s one of a kind and has such character and spunk. I’m glad my art and loved ones have taken me here.

Image from Google Images

7. Everyone that helps me along the way

You know who you are. Thank you for everything.

8. The journey I’m on

I’m grateful to be living life as an artist. It has its challenges of course, but it wouldn’t be the same if it didn’t. Every mistake I make is one step closer to perfection.

The Drive to Wyoming

9. Those who have inspired me

Art runs on inspiration. If you’ve told me a story of something that happened to you and thought you were babbling and wasting my time, you weren’t. Thanks for being you and continuing to expand my artistic horizon.

10. The support of my fans and friends

As always, I owe you all the most. The ones who follow me on social media, the ones who share my work with others, the ones who give me your input on my drawings, thank you. I hope you know you have my full support in your pursuits of happiness as well. Best holiday wishes to you and your family. Thanks so much for making my work what it is.

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