Hello Again Philly!

So Adam came to pick me up and we headed on the road back to Philly! I was so excited to see the city again and relax for a few days. “Relax” just sounds like a foreign word to me at this point in life. I’m always on the go and constantly preparing for art fairs and applying for shows. The artist life isn’t an easy one to live, but it’s one that’s worth it in the end. I know it!

Road Trip

Don’t quite remember where the picture above was taken… I know it was somewhere in Florida still! The tree just called out to me. I guess trees have a way of standing out to me on road trips. Remember that dancing tree from before?

As I left Philly to head down to Florida back in the end of January, early February, it was snowing and hectic and a wintery mess! I’m going to miss the warm weather of Florida and the sunny days of wearing shorts, but I’m glad to be back in the city where a city girl like me belongs!

When I got back, I didn’t have as much time as I would have liked to relax unfortunately. I was a participant of the A-RTS Rockville Festival (http://a-rts.org/) in Rockville, MD. Adam came with me and helped me throughout the day. I always enjoy having someone else with me in my booth at shows. It’s great to have someone explore a new area with me and share the experiences of meeting different supporters (and non-supporters) of my work.


After Rockville last weekend, I was FINALLY able to step back into the studio! Can you tell which piece I’m doing a second version of?


Summer2 in Progress

Summer2 in Progress

If you guessed “Summer,” you’re right! To see the original “Summer” click here. So this piece will be “Summer 2” and I’m really excited about the recreation. It’s less time consuming for me to draw original pieces of images I’ve done before, though of course if I had time to do a BRAND NEW piece I would love the opportunity to do so. Getting the resources and materials to do new projects is something many people don’t think about. It’s the artist’s job to finance their work through selling other pieces and it’s a constant cycle of working on a piece, getting your name out there, meeting people and trying to have them love the piece as much as you do.

So “Summer 2” is complete and as always, my followers get the first peek! For those of you just checking in, don’t forget to follow my blog! All you have to do is type in your email and my posts will get sent straight to you. I post a few times monthly, so it won’t be anything that will fill up your inbox too much hehe!


Well, now I’m off and about to start my day at Penn’s Landing! I’m at the Art Star Craft Bazaar from 11-6 today and tomorrow (5/11), so make sure to come check out my work. This is the first Philly fair I’m participating in since I’ve been away. It’s going to be a great day. Hello again Philly! Let’s see what you’ve got for me!

For more details of the Art Star Craft Bazaar, please visit www.artstarcraftbazaar.com.