It’s strange to think how much can change in just a month, but even stranger to think how much stays the same. Since June I’ve embarked on several journeys both inside and outside of my studio. Three weeks ago I returned to Florida on a whim. Although unexpected, it was a renewal of inspiration as I was reminded how liberating spontaneity can be. While we cannot always peer through the veil into the future, we can either excite or horrify ourselves with the thought of what lies behind it. I choose not to fear, but to relish all of the possibilities.
After visiting Florida, Adam surprised me with a trip to Utah. If you ‘Liked’ my page on Facebook, you probably stopped trying to figure out where in the world I am. Seems I can’t stay put in one state for too long. We also traveled through Idaho, missing the opportunity to walk through the Idaho Potato Museum which was sadly closed yet still managed to provide us with some wonderful photo ops.
The roads and landscapes of Wyoming seemed endless, yet somehow simple – as if they were shaped specifically for Adam and me, resembling love in their intricacies, contradictions, imperfections, and overall beauty. What’s most remarkable, to me, is how peaceful such a profound feeling can be. With the weight and worry of tomorrow gone we only had each other and our life together to enjoy.

Thanks to Nikita Clothing (nikitaclothing.com) for making me look this good randomly standing on top of a car!
And as we celebrate life, I’m reminded of my grandmother, whose incredible strength rewarded her with a 90th birthday. She is yet another source of light and inspiration to me as she endures along with her unconditional love and support.
In the time I’ve been home I’ve begun many new pieces. Bold, romantic, and heavily influenced by my thoughts and adventures over the past month.
This coming weekend, I’ll be traveling to Pittsburgh once again for the 17th Annual Shadyside Arts Festival on Walnut. Two of my newest pieces will be displayed. I’m excited for you to see them!