The Storm Has Come and Gone

ATTENTION: Today, at the very end of the Three Rivers Arts Festival, a massive gust of wind from the storm blew my new tent over. Nobody was hurt with the exception of a few scars on my boyfriend’s head. My tent is bent in a few places and I am doing my best to fix it as soon as I can. All of my art was exposed to the rain and because I work on paper, it was damaged. Luckily my neighbors came to the rescue and took my art into the tent and dried them off the best they could. The volunteer crew was present in seconds, salvaging everything possible. I’m deeply touched by all of the people that chipped in and helped. Even the Wyndam Hotel gave us towels to dry off my art. Three Rivers, you are always good to me even if the weather is not! Thank you so much to everyone that helped us.

Please follow me on Twitter @aalexandrin or ‘like’ my Facebook page for more news. I will keep you all updated with more details on the conditions of my drawings ASAP.

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